Hey friends this is my first blog and I want to share some important tips about Online Streaming.
We all know that nowadays online streaming is a very big and popular platform for gamers, Youtuber, bloggers but they don't know that many hackers have eyes on such activities.
There are some points to explain you, how do they do that?
1. Streamer casts their mobile screen using any app.
2. The hacker intended to access his/her account password like Facebook, Gmail, Instagram waits for the moment of streaming.
3. Once streaming started hacker uses the streamer’s account to trigger forget password and meanwhile the OTP delivered by the same corresponding website to the streamer’s mobile phone.
4. Since the major of phones have the function of notification popup function, so it is easy to see which OTP has arrived on-screen even if you are streaming.
5. Here the hacker takes advantage of the situation since the streamer is busy with his/her streaming, he/she will not focus on the OTP’s and meanwhile, the hacker takes access to the streamer's account.
6. This can happen if someone not having a two-step verification “On” in his/her account, so make sure the account security is very important.
This can be prevented following some simple steps.
1. Please ensure that you have a strong password for all of your accounts and keep it unique for each account it will reduce the chance of hacking.
2. Two-step verification is a more secure option for keeping your account safe.
3. Make sure pop-up notification is off while live streaming.
Enjoy Streaming…!!!
thanks for the information